About this Mining Site

Mining for diamonds usually starts with an explosion. The ground breaks, holes appear, more digging follows until diamonds are found. As stated in the introduction (if you haven’t read it, I highly recommend you do so), that is what happens at our births as human Diamonds. But did you know that there are occasions in some point of our lives that require a rebirth? Yes, the grounds on which we founded our lives breaks, holes are perforated in our hearts and instead of wounds healing, they might first go through the process of being dug even deeper.

From Ore to Gem

Wanna learn more?


“Supporting female Diamonds in their personal mining process from ore to gem, to reach their maximum sparkle by exploiting every single cut and polishing life experience.”


This Mining Site won’t close until every Diamond is mined and their lives transformed from:
Only Rocky Existence to Greatly Empowered Movement.

Diamonds Care Services

To maintain their beauty and sparkle, diamonds need care. And their care is pretty simple: all you need to do is soak them in soap water and then gently remove the dirt with a soft toothbrush.
You need care too, Diamond! Sometimes life’s dirt will block the reflection of light, and so prevent you from emitting your dazzling sparkle.

Get in touch with us

To maintain their beauty and sparkle, diamonds need care.